What is Security Operations (SecOps) and its Business Benefits?

tl;dr: SecOps is a collaborative practice that integrates security into every aspect of cloud operations. Implementing SecOps best practices and leveraging Google Cloud’s security tools and services can significantly enhance an organization’s security posture, reduce the risk of security incidents, improve compliance, and increase operational efficiency. Google Cloud’s defense-in-depth approach provides a comprehensive set of … Read more

Distinguishing Between Authentication, Authorization, and Auditing

tl;dr: Authentication, authorization, and auditing are critical components of Google’s defense-in-depth approach to infrastructure security. Authentication verifies the identity of users or systems, authorization determines what actions or resources they are allowed to access, and auditing records and analyzes events to detect and investigate potential security incidents or compliance violations. Implementing these controls helps organizations … Read more

Configuring Logging, Monitoring, and Detection on Google Cloud

As a Google Cloud Professional Security Engineer, it’s essential to be able to configure logging, monitoring, and detection to ensure the security of your organization’s data and systems. In this post, we’ll cover the key concepts and techniques that you need to know to pass the exam. Logging Google Cloud’s operations suite allows you to … Read more